Bare Bodies - Bodies & States of Exception

Curating & Dramaturgy
Project Type:
Kampnagel Hamburg
Premiere: 15 - 18 March 2017
Content research - Creation of text material: programme & accompanying texts - Outside Eye - Dramaturgical consulting
Dramaturgy for choreographer Ursina Tossi during the creation of the piece "Bare Bodies - Bodies & States of Exception".

'Bare Bodies' places the body in the virtual space of the exception. Thrown back on its 'bare', naked life (Agamben), the body becomes a playing field for political interests and an object of strategic affectation. Ursina Tossi is interested in the precarious situation of the body and its resistant potential, which inspires her to create choreography oriented towards science fiction and activism.


Ursina Tossi repeatedly brings dance and philosophical questions together and manages to make political action spaces choreographically tangible. 'Bare Bodies' is part of a multi-year research on resistant bodies. For me, the collaboration, with its intense conceptual exchange and vivid discussions, was important for strengthening my dramaturgical practice.

I reported on her piece 'Witches' online here.

On the reception of 'Bare Bodies', see:
  1. Resisting Anthropocene
  2. Bodies in Disarray ⟶
In and between the co-existing contradictions, resistance manifests itself. Without any innocence. Politically as difficult to recognize as materially.
by Donna Haraway
Artistic direction & choreography: Ursina Tossi - Dancers: Lisa Densem, Angela Kecinski, Tümay Kılınçel, Ursina Tossi - Video: Judith Rau - Stage: Johanna Landt - Sound: Johannes Miethke - Dramaturgy: Elisabeth Leopold - Lighting: Ricarda Köneke - Production, Press, Graphics: Stückliesel - Stage design assistance: Maren Stallmann - Photos © Sinje Hasheider
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