Pina Bausch's Dance Theatre. Company, Artistic Practices and Reception

Project Type:
transcript publishing house
November 2018 -June 2019
Proofreading - Citation research - Collaboration in the preparation of research material - Editorial support
Due to my collaboration on the DFG (German Research Found) research project "Gestures of Dance – Dance as Gesture. Cultural and Aesthetic Translations in International Co-Productions by the Tanztheater Wuppertal” I was able to assist and support Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein in writing this book. 

In this book, Gabriele Klein presents new perspectives on the work of the famous Tanztheater Wuppertal: the development and performance of the pieces, the transmission of choreographic material, and the reactions of the public are presented as complex, interdependent, and reciprocal translation processes. For the first time, the book focuses on artistic research in the ensemble's international co-productions and offers extensive empirical material.


As a research assistant in the project that preceded this book, I was primarily concerned with the analysis of the empirically collected material: play reviews, audience surveys, dance analyses. Under the guidance of Gabriele Klein, I was able to incorporate these findings and experiences into the book. Assisting the German book production gave me rich experience for the editing, correcting and editorial revision of a publication of this scale. The English translation book was published in 2020:

“In the first critical study of Pina Bausch, Gabriele Klein innovates a distinctive methodology premised on translation as cultural practice, which has far-reaching implications for dance studies.”
Susan Manning, Northwestern University

A book review in German by Miriam Althammer can be found here:

Anthropologin des Tanzes. Bucherscheinung bei transcript.⟶

Author: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein - Cover and interior design, typesetting: Andreas Brüggmann - Editing: Christian Weller Sinnschmiede - Assistant proofreader: Elisabeth leopold - Assistant picture editor: Heike Lüken - Translation into English: Elena Holzer
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