Project Type:
Dance Journalism
Attached to the Dance Factory. Online since September 1, 2020.
Since August 2022
Collective Writing Practice on Live Art · Text Composition · Feedback practice · Editing
Writing texts of different styles as well as collective management of the STREAM platform, exchange on the texts and mutual feedback.

Stream is a platform for texts that deal with "live art" in the broadest sense. The texts published here are dedicated to a single piece or a complete work, they reflect the authors' own work or that of another artist; they deal with concepts, developments and changes of Live Art as a whole. We understand writing as a movement and understand our texts as autonomous works.


Stream is not intended to be a publication forum for reviews. Rather, we are an open group sharing an interest in writing as and about artistic practice. We want to create a channel for the desire to write about contemporary movement art. Physical presence and the idea of "live" currently raises many questions - about absence, memory, the future. Writing is rediscovered as a medium that can bridge distances.

Sample text: Eternal Re-Turning
‍Example text: On Choreographing Architectures
The platform has no editor-in-chief and no central editorship, the responsibility for the articles lies with the authors. The current authors are: Angela Alves, Sasha Amaya, Michela Filzi, Beatrix Joyce, So Young H. Kim, Adam Man, Ayanda Ntombela, Lea Pischke, Parvathi Ramanathan, Nicola van Straaten, Susanna Ylikoski, Elisabeth Leopold, Elisa Frasson.
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